Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's not you, its me...

"It's not you it's me," may be something everyone has said at one point in time. We may have said it in a joking matter amongst friends. But sometimes it is said in a car, a quiet sullen conversation we all dread.
"The chemistry just isn't right," a select choice of words that is meant to delicately say, "I have lost all attraction for you." This particular phrase is usually followed by "it was bad timing," equivalent to saying, "more time will not make this work."
We all know that these phrases are cliche, and they mask the real truth. Often I hear that we should just speak the truth, instead of these fabricated lies. After all, everyone values the truth.
Truth be told, when you are on the receiving end of these conversations, the last thing you want to hear is the truth. The initial message of the conversation is enough to shake anyone's self esteem, without the extended commentary reigning blows to your self worth.
Truth be told, we don't want to hear the truth. We are already thinking it. It is the awkward third wheel in the room we pretend to ignore. What we want to hear is a series of explanations that tell enough about the situation, while ignoring the personal flaws that could have attributed to it.
Truth be told, we don't want to tell the whole truth. We need these universally understood phrases to let them know the relationship is ending. Like a street light, it is signal to stop (or rather go) to which we all have been programmed to respond.
"I hope we can be friends," is almost always said. What we may be trying to say is that I hope you won't hate me in the future. The friendship is really dependent on what happens afterward.

1 comment:

  1. You hit the nail on the HEAD. Your style of writing is... DELIGHTFUL! Blog on! :) Apt 29 loves blogs! or or ha ha
