Sunday, September 26, 2010

MTV, How the world changes...(weekly blog #4)

I was a deprived child growing up. Unlike the majority of kids my age, I did not have cable television. I was too young to pose the great question, "why me", yet I still felt its affects. In many conversations, I sat alienated amongst a crowd of teenagers; I was the silent participant nodding along, trying to pretend I knew what was being said.
College opens many doors; one door it opened was the door to cable. Finally in my twenties was I able to regularly view, if I so wished, the programs and channels that so commonly filled mindless night conversations. The big TV options were now in my living room; MTV, VH1, Disney, Travel, Discovery, History and many more. However time has changed, and TV along with it.
When I was young MTV was the music television channel. It showed music videos all day long, while featuring interviews with many popular bands. It became big enough that MTV bought a second channel, MTV2. Music was available to the young public. Then reality TV was invented. Suddenly, the mixture of emotions so often put into song were not enough for the young teenage generation, they needed additionally to see the emotion. MTV began filling its hours with fictitious, monotonous reality shows; Big Brother, The Real World (an ironic name to the fact that it was in now way what it implied), Road Rules and so much more. It wasn't long until MTV and MTV2 were no longer music television...but rather reality television.
Yesterday while browsing the channels, I came to realize that MTV and MTV2 have made yet another shift. Now they aren't filled with reality TV shows featuring the regular Jane and Joes', but instead the used-to-be celebrities. They shifted from MTV, music television; to MTV, reality television; to MTV, celebrities last chance to stay in the spotlight.
Why am I ranting on about some needless subject like this? The answer is simple; MTV should change its name. It shouldn't be called the music TV channel if it has nothing to do with music! That is like calling the food network channel the cartoon network. The name is confusing, misleading, and worse of all, distracting to thousands of regular people. The name is forcing people like you and I to think on this stupid matter instead of worth-while productive things like work, or snowboarding.
In conclusion, I quote the song "Title and Registration" written by the famous band Death Cab for Cutie, while taking the liberty to switch a word of two. I think they would agree with my switch, if not have meant it in the first place. "The channel MTV, is inaccurately named and everybody knows it. So I'm proposing a swift orderly change, because on the screen there is no music to be seen. All that's left are memories of better times."
I am not out to change, just the name of a TV channel.

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