Wednesday, October 27, 2010

American Scream

Before you start reading this do the following:

1.) Turn off the lights
2.) Turn up the sound on your speakers
3.) Right click on the youtube video link below and open it in a new tab. Then press play (or just open it in a new tab, because it will play automatically) and come back to reading this.(it is just a song, so you don't need to watch it before reading it, rather listen to it while reading)

Right click on this, and open in new tab

Ok, now you are ready to read this week's blog.

It's back. The feeling has returned, this time it's overwhelming. Like needles poking every inch of my skin, the feeling awakened me from sleep. I want to open my eyes, but that feeling chokes off my courage, and common sense. "Something is out there, you're being watched," it screams into my mind.
Aftermath of a bad dream, I tell myself. Yet, the feeling remains. What time is it? Is it morning? If I open my eyes, I will see my digital clock and it's illuminated red numbers will answer these questions. All I need to do is turn my head and look. "Don't open your eyes, it's still out there, still watching you," the feeling presses.
Don't be silly, I tell myself. Nothing is out there, nothing is "watching" you. I open my eyes. Slowly, my eyes adjust to the dark. My head is facing the wall next to my bed, with the light from my basement window shining onto it. The strange feeling that woke me up remains. Blankly staring at the wall, I try to remember when I have felt this not-so foreign feeling before. The sound of a footstep jerks my attention. Another footstep. The source of the sound blocks the light from the window. A image of a shadow begins to form, growing as it moves closer to my window, to me. Someone is watching me. The feeling was right.
My mind races. Where is the nearest weapon? Will I have time to get to it? Is it just a trick of the mind? If only I could turn my head and look around my room. Then I could see who or what it is.
An idea enters my head, the thing doesn't know I am awake. Is it worth the risk?
I slowly turn my head around, until my left ear and eye press against the pillow. Slowly, I open my left eye, my eyelid grazes the pillow case. Though my vision is blocked, I begin to make out details in my room; my dresser, my desk and chair come begin to take shape.
The quickening breath is the only sound I hear. It can hear me, it knows I am scared. It's coming for me.
"Focus," I tell myself. Don't panic. The only way I can know what's there, is by turning my head towards my window. It could be nothing...but then again what if it's not?

The song has probably stopped, so here is a link to another song. Do as you did before by right clicking on the link, and opening it in a new tab. Then press play and read on. (if the song is still going, switch songs anyways...)

Right click on this and open in new window

The feeling became stronger. Don't turn your head. But I needed to see who or what it is. A sound of movement comes from the window. I begin turning my head. I see the corner of the window. I stop. I close my left eye all to but a small slit, barely enough to see. I keep turning my head until the back rests against my pillow. I see the figure, next to my window. Who is it I ask as I squint to focus. The rough details of his face, his scruffy beard, his dark eyes begin to clear in my vision. He turns his head side to side, searching my room. A dog barks. He turns to the sound as my eyes are forced upon. Before I have time to think, he turns back, looking straight at me. "Close your eyes!" my mind shouts, but fear overcomes reason. We stare at each other. Then he slowly gets ups, his eyes still locked on mine. He straightens up, looks to both sides, and starts walking away....

This is a true story. I ended up running to my parent's room, recounting everything to my dad. We turned on all the lights, and then with makeshift weapons checked the back and front yard, but he was nowhere to be found. I learned a lesson; never ignore that feeling again.

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