Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Five Worst Places to Meet Girls (weekly blog # 6)

It can happen anywhere. It might happen at the library while studying. Or, it could happen at church. Depending on your confidence and luck, You could get a cutie's number and a date wherever you go. However, just because it can happen anywhere, doesn't mean that every place is ideal. In fact, there are a number of places that I can think of, that would be better not to try; for time's convenience, I will name five in no particular order.
1. On the internet...while playing World of Warcraft
Hands down this is not a good place to try to put on the moves for several reasons. Not only do you have no idea what she looks like (she is not an elf), but you also know what she does at 1:30 a.m. on a Tuesday. While this is every nerd's has only happened once in documented history. Save the pick up lines for the next star wars convention.
2. At the the wart medicine isle.
Guys (or girls)don't try this one. Even if a hottie comes up next to you and starts browsing. Let's just pretend that you do happen to start up a conversation; you exchange a few jokes, she smiles. Chances are she won't fall for the "I'm buying it for my roommate" line. Yet, if she does, the question should by now pop in your mind...why is she in this isle? She must have warts too. It is scientific fact that if she has warts she is a witch. You don't want to date a witch.
3. At a family reunion
Enough said...unless you are from Alabama.
4. At the Laundry Mat
Everybody has a favorite shirt, or outfit. Yet on the other hand, everybody has that one shirt or outfit that they don't want to wear...until there are no clean clothes; the laundry day outfit. When it comes done to it, you want to be on your game, playing your strengths to get that number. Sweat pants and that "Idaho is the bomb" shirt don't help your chances.
5. At Lamaze class
Here at BYU some guys take marriage and family, or elementary education classes because of the positive girl-to-guy ratio. On that same thought, I signed up for a Lamaze class. Bad decision. all the girls were either married or dating some French guy named Fiance. Needless to say I did not get any date out of that class. But I did learn to breath properly.
I want to clarify myself, It is possible to meet the girl of your dreams at any of these places. But when trying to up your odds of Friday night adventure, it is best not to start at one of these five places.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I won't be putting any of your advice to use, of course but it was sure a fun read! :)
